What is the difference between Ghost Host and other property management companies? Ghost Host partners with homeowners, without taking over. Typical property management companies set up your property on their own accounts, leaving you with little control in how your property is marketed, set up and priced. We, instead, allow you to be involved with as much OR as little as you’d like. We create Airbnb accounts in your own name and act as your co-host.
How much does it cost? The price for full management is 25% commission on the AirBnb payout. We will not get paid unless you have bookings so it is in our best interest to ensure your property is booked at the maximum rental price as often as possible.
Consultation Services – We charge $100/hour for consultations in relation to setting up your own listing, improving your listing or any other advice you may need – we are happy to share our secrets!
Who pays for the cleaning? Guests are charged a cleaning fee that will be forwarded to Ghost Host. Ghost Host will arrange all cleanings and provide cleaning supplies.
When do we get paid? You will be paid directly from Airbnb when guests arrive. Ghost Host will invoice you per guest or on a monthly basis – your choice.
Can I list my property with Ghost Host for a limited time? Of course! Many of our clients rent their home while they are traveling or during lucrative times like Sundance Film Festival.
Can I stay in my property? Of course! You can block out whatever dates you’d like.
What happens if a guest damages my property? Small dings and other incidentals can happen. Guests typically pay for damage and Ghost Host coordinates immediate repair to keep your property in pristine condition. Hosts are protected up to $1 million dollars with an AirBnb host guarantee. We also recommend specific insurance for short term rentals to compliment this policy.
Can you help me find a property? ABSOLUTELY. Sarah is a licensed Realtor in the state of Utah and can help you find the perfect property for a short term rental, set it up, and manage it for you.